Criminal Defense
At Witt Law Firm, P.A., we are experienced in both District and Superior Criminal Court. Let us stand up for your rights in court. Don't make a mistake that can last a lifetime by representing yourself when experienced local counsel can make all the difference in the world. Criminal convictions don't just fall off your record after a certain number of years. Many convictions can never be expunged, which is why it is so important to push the District Attorney for a dismissal or reduction whenever possible. The District Attorney is not your friend- have someone on your side when you go in front of a judge. We always offer a free consultation for any pending criminal charge. Never walk into court without experienced legal counsel on your side, regardless of whether you are charged with a simple misdemeanor or serious felony. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers.
Do I need a lawyer?
If you are charged with a criminal offense you should always at least speak with a lawyer. Many law firms like this office offer a free consultation for criminal matters.
What if I can't afford a lawyer?
If you are unable to hire your own lawyer you may be eligible for a court appointed lawyer. Generally speaking, any lawyer (even a bad one) is better than no lawyer.
When is my Court date?
You may find your criminal court date online via the NC AOC Court date lookup. Some counties have switched to the Odyssey online system such as Mecklenburg.
What if I can't make my Court date?
Depending on the charge a lawyer may be able to appear on your behalf. Never miss court without clearance from the District Attorney or else you may end up with an Order for your Arrest.