Updated 4/14/2022
Moving out of state without express permission from the other party and court is always a risk. The last thing you want is to move only to have a local Sheriff show up at your door with a Court Order to take your child back to North Carolina. Not to mention the Judge may be angry and forever biased against you after your Ex has presented their version of the facts as to why you moved in their motion for Emergency Custody. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) has been adopted in 49/50 states (Massachusetts is pending) and vests exclusive and continuing jurisdiction to determine child custody in the “home state” of the child. If a child has resided in North Carolina with a parent for the prior 6 months then NC is the “home state” and has exclusive jurisdiction to determine custody. Otherwise one parent could move to Hawaii and file a Custody action in Hawaii, which would only encourage forum shopping. If I have full custody can I move out of state?Unless your existing Court Order explicitly allows you to move out of State then it would likely be difficult to impossible to move without violating the visitation terms contained in most custody Orders. If the other parent has every other weekend how are you going to shuttle the child back and forth to stay in compliance with the Order? If you are looking to move out of North Carolina the best approach assuming the other party will not consent to the move is to file a Complaint for Child Custody or a Motion to Modify Custody seeking permission to move with the child. Be aware the ultimate standard employed by the Court is the “best interest” of the child. Although this standard is the same statewide it is interpreted very differently by Judges in different counties. Some counties are very pro-mom and will let her move to Hawaii. Other counties favor joint custody and won’t allow one party to move a child away absent a compelling reason. Moving out of state if pregnantThe home state of the child is where the child has lived for the last 6 months. If the child is less than 6 months old then where the child has lived since birth is the home state. This gives the mother a lot of control when pregnant to decide to move to a new state for jurisdiction purposes. At this time there is not much a father can do legally before a child is born to prevent the mother of his child from moving to a different state. North Carolina custody relocation lawsThe seminal case on point in North Carolina is Ramirez-Barker v. Barker, 107 N.C. App 71. Mom filed a motion to modify an existing Order to allow her and the child to move to California. After hearing the evidence including testimony from both parents and a psychologist the judge decided moving to California was not in the “best interest” of the child and the motion was denied. The five factors the Court examined were:
Anytime one parent seeks to move out of state it is important to realize that will forever change the relationship the child has with both parents. Courts are forced to make a difficult decision based on the evidence before them. It is critical to know your judge to frame your case as to why the move is or is not in the “best interest” of the child. Relocation Custody CasesIn Tuel vs. Tuel 270 N.C. App. 629 (N.C. Ct. App. 2020) the Court of Appeals reversed a decision permitting relocation and provides additional insight into the Ramirez-Barker analysis mentioned above. The Court went on to say that although a custody order is not “fatally deficient if the trial court fails to make explicit findings addressing each and every Ramirez-Barker factor. …[T]he court’s primary concern is the furtherance of the welfare and best interests of the child and its placement in the home environment that will be most conducive of the full development of its physical, mental and moral faculties…. Nonetheless, these factors will be highly relevant to the best interest of the child in nearly all of these situations.”
Sylvia Wells
11/21/2016 10:34:27 am
The "best interest of the child (ren) must include legal steps to insure the child's constitutional rights are addressed, especially their OWN opinion, including home environment, healthy nutrition, loving pets, ethics & outdoor activities, especially gadening, making Xmas cookies, seasonal crafts, everything that makes it HOME.
Jason Witt
2/19/2017 09:16:09 pm
The "best interest" test really does include anything and everything a Judge wants it to include. That downside of having such an open invitation to "interpret" the law is divergent opinions based on the ideals and biases of individual Judges.
Kristy ice
1/6/2018 02:14:33 am
I am a mother of a young child under 3 and I was wondering if I could move out of state with my child because me and the father are unmarried and he is trying to have my daughter around a convicted felon with prior history of violence towards people in my family and has been convicted of drug charges and is currently incarsirated because of it and my new partner has a safe environment where my child will have Anything she needs and will be safe but it's in a different state and I was wondering if I could just take her with me and fight for custody in her home state or would that only hurt me I just want to make sure my child's best interest is in mind .... Please help
Jason Witt
1/6/2018 10:10:16 am
The father is currently in jail- any idea for how long? Is there already a court order in place on custody? You should definitely speak with a local attorney before any move.
4/15/2018 06:23:09 pm
My husband has a child from a previous relationship in which they were never married but he is on the BC. He had primary custody of his daughter for 2 years while mom visited & had seldom contact. When we got married and he decided he was going to move to California with me she refused to let him take her and took custody back. They have no court documentation only an agreement on paper that for the FY 18 school year she would stay with mom in NC & that neither parent can leave the state with child without the others permission. Now she wants to move to NY and refuses to discuss other options of custody. Does he have a right to say she can’t move?
Jason Witt
4/15/2018 07:28:51 pm
The "home state" is where the child has lived for the last 6 months. Why does he care if the child lives in NC or NY if he lives on the other side of the country anyway? If he wants to stop the move he needs to file an action in North Carolina ASAP.
5/12/2018 01:17:28 pm
My ex gf is pregnant with my child. We ended up breaking up. We both currently live in NC. I am concerned she may try to move far away while she is pregnant, so I can’t see the kid and leave me out of the picture. Since the child was conceived in NC and her intent is to deny me access to my child when it’s born, can I have court force her to stay in NC?
Jason Witt
5/12/2018 04:10:58 pm
I am not aware of any options to file an action for custody before a child is born. The woman essentially has all the power and can move anywhere she wants.
5/13/2018 08:18:43 pm
My sister has a 6 month old son. She currently lives with her deadbeat boyfriend in NC. Would it be legal for her to move into my house in NY? My husband and I are the only family she has. She's petrified he's going to take the baby away from her.
Jason Witt
5/13/2018 08:59:04 pm
It may be legal if no court order in place, but it would give him grounds to apply for an emergency custody order based on her fleeing the jurisdiction. At this point she needs to speak with a local attorney before moving.
6/19/2018 06:46:20 pm
I have full custody of my daughter in NC with no set visitation rights for her father. This was issued when her dad was in jail. After getting out of jail her dad moved to SC. A bit later my job relocated me down to SC as well. I’m wondering if my NC custody agreement still stands in SC considering we’re both residing in the same, neighboring state?
Jason Witt
6/19/2018 07:06:37 pm
If you currently reside in South Carolina you should speak with a SC attorney about the pros and cons of registering a NC order in that state for either enforcement or modification.
7/26/2018 10:59:29 pm
I have 50/50 with Ex which was just currently agreed upon, but for last 8 Year’s I was primary. My Ex has became sick so I was trying to do the right thing but I have came into financial hardship but have a great opportunity but I’d have to move to SC. How would this impact my situation?
Jason Witt
7/27/2018 09:34:49 am
It really depends. Can the child stay in the same school if you move? How far apart will you be from the other parent- can 50/50 still work? Does the order say anything about either party moving? You should consult with a local attorney before making any move.
7/30/2018 02:26:28 am
My children's father left to SC almost 2 years ago. He's seen our 2 children 4x in 2 years, only once for 3 hours in the past year. He took it upon himself to pay 1/2 child support when he moved. My current husband recently retired from the Army and would like to move back to his home of record in WV. His father is not well. My children's father said he will not agree to us/our kids moving out of state. How is this possible when he ready moved out of state and barely sees our children? Our custody order does not say that they have to reside in NC. Would I be breaking an order if we moved to WV? Could I lose custody?
Jason Witt
7/30/2018 07:48:14 am
Does the current court order provide the father with visitation? How are you going to stay in compliance with that visitation order if you move to another state? You need to consult a local attorney and likely file a motion to modify custody before you change the home state of the child.
8/8/2018 12:07:13 am
So my ex girlfriend is taking me for visitation in South Carolina. I now live with my daughter in North Carolina. Been here for 2 yrs. Which court has jurisidiction over the case. How does she have grounds for visitation?
Jason Witt
8/8/2018 08:35:09 am
The home state of the child is where the child has lived for the prior 6 months assuming no court order is already in place. Does she have an attorney? Is this ex-girlfriend the mother of the child?Did she allege the child lives in South Carolina? She may have just filed in SC because she just assumes she can wherever she wants. At this point you need to consult with a SC attorney about filing a motion to dismiss.
8/14/2018 02:51:37 pm
Jason Witt
8/14/2018 04:19:28 pm
A judge will decide whether a move in the best interest of your child. You really need to hire a local attorney and rely on their advice as many judges will not grant your request if the other parent is an active parent the move will impact their ability to continue being active in the child's life. In these type cases who your judge is seems to matter more than the law.
8/26/2018 09:17:57 pm
If our custody agreement has a mile radius that we cannot live away from each other and we have 50/50 am I allowed to move to SC if it’s within that mile radius (currently live in NC)
Jason Witt
8/27/2018 09:59:14 am
It may not be a violation of your court order, but might be considered a substantial change of circumstances to modify your current order. You should always talk to a lawyer before moving out of county or state.
8/29/2018 11:38:34 pm
I moved out of state with my son- due to a negative relationship. His father, and I never married, and no court order. With what I did- was it illegal, and can I get in trouble? I’m not denying him his rights. I just need time to recollect, and get situated before I bring my child around the negativity.
Jason Witt
8/30/2018 11:28:56 am
Moving out of state with your child may not be illegal, but certainly could provide grounds for him to ask for an emergency ex-parte custody order. You should speak with a local family law attorney ASAP.
9/3/2018 04:23:33 pm
I have 2 kids 9 and 11. We are unmarried and have been separated since December, I recently started seeing someone and my daughter dosnt like it. She is wanting to go back to FL with her dad, and I dont agree. Is it legal for him to take the kids without my authorization?
Jason Witt
9/3/2018 05:31:52 pm
Have you currently been living in NC with the children for at least 6 months? If there is no court order on custody then it may not be illegal for him to take the children so you should certainly speak with a local attorney.
10/16/2018 07:13:57 pm
I want to move back home to another state with my 6 month old. There is no court order in place as far as custody and his father lives an hour away from where we are now. Can I move and then file for full custody or do I have to do that first? I'm just afraid that if I file for custody here then he'll file for 50/50 and then I can't move. He does not pay child support and he gives me abouit 30 dollars for diapers whenever he feels like it.
Jason Witt
10/16/2018 08:52:57 pm
You should consult a local attorney before any move.
11/5/2018 10:43:34 am
If there is domestic violence involved can I move to another state with my child
Jason Witt
11/5/2018 11:06:19 am
You should never move out of state with a child before speaking with a local attorney. Leaving the state to avoid jurisdiction can create grounds for an ex-parte emergency custody order.
Melanie Dillon
11/19/2018 05:46:13 pm
My husband and I are separating and I'm wanting to move from NC to KS. He said he would give me permission to move with the kids as long as he got to keep in touch with them. He is disabled and has MS. Would I be able to move if he gives permission?
Jason Witt
11/19/2018 08:19:44 pm
You should consult with a local attorney before moving out of state with minor children.
Katrina Hunt
11/25/2018 06:58:32 pm
My sister currently is in Colorado with her son and the father of her 5yr old son now has gotten a lawyer and wants visitation and or custody. She is scared that she will have to move back to NC. He is going to school and she is working. Is she required to travel back and forth to NC? She has been caring for her son since he was born. He is saying she needs to move back there. What should she do? As this would uproot what she is doing in Colorado and him being in school. Thank you
Jason Witt
11/25/2018 08:27:36 pm
When did the child last live in NC? Has the child been living in Colorado for 6 months?
1/16/2019 02:28:35 pm
I currently live in Charlotte NC with my 4 year old daughter and her father is currently suing for 50/50 legal , physical, and visitation. He was absent by choice the first 3 years of her life and just this last year we have been doing an every other weekend visitation . As of now I have full legal and physical custody, due to him wanting nothing to do with her when we divorced 4 years ago. He does have visitation rights but no schedule is in place through the courts only by me allowing them to spend every other weekend together. I just received a job promotion which would move she and I 3 hours away but still in NC. Given he has no legally binding visitation schedule and neither physical nor legal custody, is it okay for me to take the promotion and move 3 hours away?
Jason Witt
1/16/2019 04:20:21 pm
Moving out of state is a big deal. You would need to contact a local attorney on what to do to make sure you do not prejudice yourself before the court at the upcoming custody hearing.
1/21/2019 01:13:37 am
I’m currently going through a custody battle that has yet to go to court or have any court ordered ruling. No child support filled and ordered and no TPA. I’m in mecklenburg county at the moment but because of finances it’s likely I will move to union county with my family. Will this change jurisdiction?
Jason Witt
1/21/2019 09:57:41 am
The case will not move unless someone makes a motion to have it moved that is granted by the judge.
10/5/2019 05:39:44 pm
My sons dad and I broke up a year ago my son has lived with me ever since , until 2 weeks ago he came and took my son from the babysitter without me knowing and has taken off to Tennessee and changed his number I haven't seen nor heard from him or my son in 2 weeks and he has blocked me from every form of contact . What can I do? And what if the court can't find him when I file for custody? My son is 3 ...
Jason Witt
10/5/2019 06:41:37 pm
You need to speak with a local attorney ASAP about getting an emergency custody order. Leaving NC to avoid jurisdiction is grounds for emergency custody, but if you wait for weeks then it may appear as if you consented to move.
10/6/2019 01:36:57 pm
Well i contacted the police dss and no one would help I've been waiting on my appointment that I set up with a lawyer on the 10th I set it up a week ago but that was the ealies they had . I've contacted many authorities but no one has given me advise or anything
Jason Witt
10/6/2019 02:54:00 pm
Law enforcement or DSS generally will not get involved (outside a wellness check) unless there is some allegation of abuse or neglect, which is not evident just from a move.
10/6/2019 03:51:23 pm
Ty so much for your help . I will be filing first thing in the morning .
Jason Witt
10/6/2019 04:13:58 pm
Be aware that getting an emergency custody order without an attorney is difficult to impossible in some counties.
10/21/2019 09:24:18 am
My ex wife has moved my child to South Carolina without permission from the court . We have split custody , is this legal if not what actions should I take
Jason Witt
10/21/2019 10:32:20 am
If you have a court order you would need a local attorney to review that order for any violations. If no order you may want to consider an emergency ex-parte custody action.
10/23/2019 06:35:19 am
My son (25) and his girlfriend (26) have a son (3). He was born in NC . They stayed here about 1 year after he was born and then moved to TX to be with her parents for a little while. They were lived in TX for a little over a year and then moved back to NC in Jan 2109. He got his old job as a high end auto machanic back, and we helped her get her first (non bar tending) job at an FBO at PTI. They got a place together, put their son in daycare. She has a history of depression and domestic abuse to my son. The police were called on one occasion when they live in TX, but my son didn't press charges. They broke up on 10/15 and by 10/18 she fled to TX with their son and are currently living with her mom. They have no custody agreement. What are my son's rights? and What can done concerning custody?
Jason Witt
10/23/2019 07:53:58 am
If he wants the child to live in NC he needs to speak with a local attorney ASAP.
11/10/2019 10:36:33 pm
I have sole legal and physical custody of both my children, ages 5 and 11. Their father has no visitation rights and doesn't pay child support. He hasn't seen them in over 4 years. I bought a house in Florida earlier this year and I'm renting it out until I move there. I have a good education so it will be easy to find a job when we move. I homeschool my eldest child and my youngest will be starting kindergarten after the move. Do I have to ask the NC court for permission before I move? With my sole custody, would it be necessary to notify their father?
Jason Witt
11/11/2019 10:30:19 am
You should have a local attorney review your current custody order before any move.
12/3/2019 02:25:04 pm
I'm currently living with my husband but want to leave, my only family that I can stay with lives an hour away (still in NC), we have 2 children. Will it look bad if I moved?
Jason Witt
12/3/2019 02:40:37 pm
If you are going through a divorce you should always speak with a local attorney as soon as possible.
4/1/2020 12:01:50 pm
My partner and I broke up and we have 3 children. I want to move back to NJ to help take care of my elderly disabled mother. The children would be surrounded by family and friends, our strong church community, in a safe neighborhood, excellent schools and have access to opportunities unavailable to them in their current situation. I filed a complaint for custody and served the father but he refuses to sign it or get involved in any legal manner. However, he said he will press charges if I try to leave with them. Does my filing the complaint have any weight in my favor and am I able to return to the clerk of courts to change how the complaint is served (sheriff, etc)?
Jason Witt
4/1/2020 01:47:28 pm
Not sure what charges he is going to press- custody is usually a civil matter. You need to speak with a local attorney about whether leaving is a good idea or not. With Corona you will likely not have any custody hearing for 6 months, although he could possibly request an emergency order if you leave the state with the children.
4/1/2020 04:43:40 pm
He can request an emergency order even if I already filed the complaint?
Jason Witt
4/1/2020 05:27:07 pm
Yes- he could file an emergency motion.
Lisa R.
5/11/2020 08:49:40 am
I have 2 children with my ex and we have a custody agreement. I want to move out of NC with my Husband since he got a good paying job recently. Our agreement says that if we move out of mecklenburg county we have to notify each other at least 30 days in advance. I know my ex will not approve the move but he doesn't comply with our agreement since we first arranged it last year and he has a pending sentencing to go to prison. I have sole custody of my kids. And with the whole virus going on will my move even get approve? Or what are the chances for the move to get approved?
Jason Witt
5/11/2020 12:46:05 pm
Judges vary greatly by county. You would need to speak with someone in the county where your order is filed.
5/28/2020 02:34:37 pm
I’m a single mother of a 12 year old. For the past several years we have been living with my mother and father. My sons father has nothing to do with him and will not even pay child support. No custody has ever been established. I’m getting married and am wanting to move to SD due to my husbands job. My mother and father have threatened me saying that I cannot take my son anywhere. I don’t want to have anything held against me, but I feel like they have no rights to say that. Can I move with my son anyway? Or what should I do?
Jason Witt
5/28/2020 02:53:13 pm
Why do you own parents not want you to move to be with your new husband? Unless the father of the child fights you then your parents should not be able to stop the move. That being said, you should consult with a local attorney before moving out of state.
6/25/2020 03:43:34 pm
My sons father and I are no longer in a relationship but are roommates for the sake of our 3 year old son. I am at a point where I need my own place. We are unmarried but he is on the BC. I would like to move back to my home state of Virginia to be near family. What are my options if I want to move with my son?
Jason Witt
6/25/2020 04:10:28 pm
You need to meet with a local attorney to discuss your options before any move as leaving NC with your child could create grounds for an emergency order directing him to be returned.
Ivan ruiz
9/28/2020 07:29:32 am
my son was born in CA after 6 months of him being born my GF and I moved to NC. Shes been stressed out and missing her family back in CA and has told me that she regrets moving too soon. Our relationship hasnt been the greatest so I know that one day she'll fine any excuse to leave and go back to CA with my son and thats what I am afraid of. How do I prepare for a situation like this and what should I do?
Jason Witt
9/28/2020 02:00:18 pm
You should consider speaking with a lawyer about getting a custody order established in NC now.
10/11/2020 11:37:31 am
My best friend moved to MC from Florida earlier this year with her children and her husband. Prior to the move they had separated twice, the last separation they decided to work things out and relocate to NC for a fresh start as a family. Things are not good and she feels stuck with no family or friends to turn to as we all live in Florida. My question is can she move back with the kids or dies she gave to go through the first to do so? She says she can’t leave he will call the cops and say she kid napped the kids. Any advice on what she could do to do things the right way. Here in Florida she had the support her and the children need and they will be close to family.
Jason Witt
10/11/2020 12:39:59 pm
If the children have lived in NC for the last 6 months then NC is now their home state. In any event, she should speak with a local attorney before any move.
Jason Witt
10/11/2020 12:43:44 pm
This should serve as a cautionary tale for anyone thinking about moving to a new state with their children to give a failed marriage a fresh start.
1/20/2021 02:44:32 pm
My friend just gave birth in December of 2020 due to covid her ex boyfriend is not on the BC. He has not shown any interest in the child and is exhibiting some questionable behaviour. Violent outbursts of anger ect. Her dad lives in Florida and she is forced to quit her job in NC due to lack of finacial support, daycare and health insurance reasons. She does not qualify for assistance since she makes "to much money" . The conversations about financial assistance have been talking place since she found out that she is pregnant. As of now no effort was put in helping monetary nor providing for her son. Her decision is to move to Florida and live with her dad to help decrease the cost of living. Again he is not listed on the birth certificate and has as of now no legal rights. He has not requested a paternaty test and was given the information required to be listed on the birth certificate. Again no effort was made. He is aware of her wanting to move and his comment is: I don't want you to move". When inquired how the daycare bill and healthinsurance bill will be splitt there was only silence. Is she legally allowed to leave?
Jason Witt
1/20/2021 05:18:27 pm
If the child was born in Florida and currently lives in Florida she would need to speak with a Florida attorney for legal advice.
5/6/2021 11:47:04 am
im Living in NC. Kids father lives in CT. He doe not pay child support and sees the kids over summer and every other christmas. My fiance lives in Florida and we would like to move because traveling is getting expensive. Kids father says we are not allowed to move. there is no custody agreement and im filing for child support. please advise
Jason Witt
5/6/2021 01:06:46 pm
If he is going to fight your move you should certainly speak with a North Carolina and Florida attorney before any move.
Concerned Momma
10/27/2021 04:02:38 pm
My son's girlfriend has severe anxiety and depression, ptsd, bi-polar, and post partum. She moved to NC over 3 years ago. Got pregnant, had the baby. Now she's threatening to take the baby and move to PA, because that's where her family is. She up and left once which I drove to PA and brought her back to NC. Now she's being rude to my parents and my family members after taking care of her for this long. There isn't a custody order. What should my son do????
Jason Witt
10/27/2021 04:08:10 pm
You son needs a consultation with a local attorney ASAP about filing for child custody in North Carolina before she leaves the state with the child again.
2/4/2022 11:13:25 pm
My spouse is abusive and has been abusive towards me in front of our daughter, his immediate family, and a dog we had. I do not have family here in NC. My support system (mother) is in A different state. He does have epilepsy and does not take his medicine. I believe his quick temper is from brain trauma. I do work from home and watch her full time because of the fear I have of leaving her alone with him. We do not have a custody order in place and I am saving up to have a safe escape for me and my child. Is there anyway I can cover my tracks legally so that I can go to Texas where we are safe without him trying to bring up an emergency custody order? I do have recordings of the things he has done.
Jason Witt
2/5/2022 08:53:43 am
You should consult with a local attorney ASAP.
Imari watkins
2/15/2022 08:43:25 pm
Hello, I have three children with my boyfriend. The kids live with me full time. And he does not help financially. He is not on my oldest child’s birth certificate but he is on my other two. If I get a better job out of state, could I move?
Jason Witt
2/17/2022 05:03:22 pm
The real question is will the court stop you from moving your children if dad tries to stop you. For specific legal advice for you need to consult with a local attorney who knows how your local judges may answer that question.
Steven Lusk
3/5/2022 08:32:59 pm
When my ex wife left me and our children and moved to AZ then to NY without a custody agreement or any paperwork on file, can I leave move to SC (after 3 years) without court permission?
Jason Witt
3/6/2022 09:13:15 am
If there is no court order, then there should be no court order to violate. That being said, it is always advisable to speak with a local attorney before making any change to custody arrangements.
5/22/2022 06:04:15 pm
Hello, my son born in ohio his dad didn’t establish paternity because he doesn’t want it to pay child support. He spend full week with him we switching every 7 days. I want it move to California there is no court order no established father. Can he report me can judge call me back to ohio? Thank you in advance. Sorry my English not perfect .
Jason Witt
5/22/2022 06:54:21 pm
If you currently live in Ohio you would need to speak with an attorney licensed in that state for any legal advice.
9/25/2022 06:05:52 pm
I am wanting to move to FL with my husband and our two daughters. The oldest daughter is by another father. We have no custody agreement and have never had one. He says I’m not allowed to move out of state or he will have her taken from me, he lives in a run down house with his elderly father. He pays no child support and never has. He has seen her twice this year. There is a better job opportunity, good education system, and support system. My ex has cerebral palsy and can not financially provide for her.
Jason Witt
9/25/2022 06:17:05 pm
You need to speak with a local attorney before any move out of state as the other side could seek an emergency custody order.
10/2/2022 07:11:15 am
My daughters dad is not on the birth certificate and we have no custody nor have we been to court. There is no proof she is his . If I move out of state what will happen
Jason Witt
10/2/2022 10:17:15 am
If you are worried dad will contest the move then you should speak with a local attorney about your options.
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